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Project no.
08CT4669990220, funded by the 2014-2020 Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Sicilian Region, Thematic Objective 1 – Research, Technological Development and Innovation, Specific Objective 1.1 – Increasing business innovation activity, Action 1.1.5 – Supporting the technological advancement of enterprises through the financing of pilot lines and early product validation and large-scale demonstration actions, Scope: SmartCities and Communities, Sub Scope: Smart Economy( Project Amount: € 3,996,985.59 Facilitation Amount: € 3,567,561.18

P.O. ERDF SICILIA 2014/2020 – Action 1.1.5 Development and Integration of AR Methodologies for the Noninvasive Analysis of Arterial-Venous Microcirculation for Diagnostic Support (SIMAM) – Leader: ADAMO, UNIPA  The SIMAM use case aimed to develop an innovative method for the automatic segmentation of images of the oral mucosa and to subsequently extend the study to different districts in order to increase the number of identifiable pathologies.
Within the SIMAM use case, the company Adamo S.r.l. was involved in the miniaturization and optimization of a new prototype videocapillaroscope with FAV technology.
Modifications were also made to the videocapillaroscope’s probe optical system and an improvement to the management software to enable the integration of analysis and DICOM functional modules to be integrated into its system.
Within the SIMAM Use Case, the optimization and miniaturization of the integrated system resulted in the following benefits:

  • Increased transportability of the system;
  • Greater energy efficiency;
  • cost optimization;
  • Better human-machine interaction.

In particular, miniaturization allows:

  • Greater application of videocapillaroscopy, making its use more accessible in both economic and operational terms.
  • The integration of the videocapillaroscope with other digital platforms.
  • Paving the way for future connections with 5G networks by naturally entering the IoMT (Internet Of Medical Things) reality.

The social and economic impact of the new videocapillaroscopy system is of considerable importance.
In fact, the optimization and miniaturization of the videocapillaroscope allows for a more reliable system with better maintainability, which can also be done remotely, with a reduction in system obsolescence and after-sales interventions.

  • In addition, it should allow for more widespread use of the videocapillaroscope as a diagnostic tool, even in non-strictly specialized settings, making capillaroscopy a technique not exclusively the preserve of rheumatology.
  • At the societal level, it should allow an increasing number of patients a second-level diagnosis in a short time and at low cost, also reducing direct access to hospital facilities and specialized clinics and ensuring, both in exceptional cases (such as epidemics) and for patients with reduced mobility, continuity of diagnostic service.
    Moreover, the large-scale dissemination of capillaroscopy should enable the development of ad-personam diagnostic and therapeutic pathways.